Jim Clymer on Attorney General Kathleen Kane’s Impeachment
In May, Attorney James N. Clymer of Clymer Musser & Conrad, P.C. testified at a hearing regarding the impeachment of Pennsylvania Attorney General Kathleen Kane.
Multiple charges were brought against Kane for failure to fulfill her constitutionally mandated duties, including refusal to charge state Democrats from for accepting gifts and refusing to defend Pennsylvania’s “one man, one woman” marriage law.
“Attorney General Kane has decided that her personal opinions on the law are more important than the rule of law itself and more important than her oath of office,” said Clymer. “Her apparent goal is to weaken our commonwealth’s law when it is her duty to defend it.”
Kane’s refusal to defend Pennsylvania’s marriage law left the defense to Governor Tom Corbett’s Office of Chief Counsel.
On May 20, 2014, Middle District Judge John E. Jones III struck down Pennsylvania’s traditional marriage law, making same-sex marriage legal in Pennsylvania. Read the decision here.
Read more about Kane’s impeachment hearing here.
Photo credit Leland Francisco.