A Woman Scorned
“You’ve heard the saying, ‘Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned.’ Well, ladies, it is time for some serious fury! . . . We are angry and we won’t take it any more!” Those words were written by Donna Henes of the Huffington Post to exhort women to stand up and fight for themselves.
Clymer Musser & Conrad meant no disrespect by insinuating that a jilted, vindictive lover was a woman scorned. Let’s face it. We all know that women can stand up for themselves and make things happen when they want.
CMC supports rape victims coming forth and reporting the violation of their inherent rights. In fact, CMC supports the fury of a woman seeking justice against a violator. CMC does not, however, support the use of the justice system for personal vindication.
*Photo Design By Zouny